CLASSIC CARS are simply nostalgiatriggers. They’re a reminder of howwe used to be. Of all the material symbols in society that define our worth and position the motor car is the most powerful. lt’s tangible, mobile and a currency everybody understands. Many of us have an uneasiness. with modernity that makes us retrospective creatures. We’re drawn back to those decades of changeand excitement — hence our love affair with all things of the Fifties and Sixties. From tall, round—shouldered Frigidaires, neon diner signs, and flamboyant Wurlitzer jukeboxes to sunglasses, clothes and music, they all appeal to as talismans of what we remember as golsen years. Here are of the world's most beguiling old motors. From the quaint and charming to the stridently flamboyant, they're just a small foretaste of the magic called classic cars.